
FEBRUARY - a Month of LOVE

Okay, okay - I know it's already past February - but ... other than the love that flows on Valentine's Day (thanks for my pretty roses Curtis), I wanted to let you know that CHLOE turned THREE!!!

Can you believe it?! Our baby girl turned 3 on the the 12th of February! Now - that's something to celebrate. Each day with her is such a joy. We're so blessed that God entrusted us to take care of her. She is so much fun! She wanted to learn how to spell her name, so mommy created a song. You sing it to the tune of The B-I-B-L-E... It goes something like this

Yes, That's the Girl for Me!
I Love Her So Much
And She Loves Me

And yes, Chloe sings it all the time. She says "I not know how to write me name, but I can spell it!"

Okay, guess that's enough for now. I'll post again - SOON. Yes, I really mean SOON. :-) Much love to my Favorite People!