
I'm a Stay-At-Home Mom!

For over 20 years, I have wanted to be a stay-at-home mom! I FINALLY get to be one! Yes, I still have to work, I still have to take Chloe to day care. But, I get to stay at home to work - and I get paid for it! Staying at home may not seem like something you'd like to do. I have had my social butterfly days and the older I get, the more I like to just stay at home. I am an "In Home Agent" (IHA) for customer service for a major appliance corporation. I answer calls and speak with customers - just like I did at the call center.

To me - there are many benefits. For example:

It's GOOD for the budget - I save a lot of money on gas!
It's GOOD for the teeth - my toothbrush & toothpaste are waiting on me!
It's GOOD for the skin - I can float in the pool during lunch and get a tan!
It's GOOD for the health - I started a new exercise program - I walk to work!
It's GOOD for romance - my husband walks me to work many mornings!
It's GOOD for the mind - no more stressing out about "Where did I park"!
It's GOOD for the menu - I can eat what I want & start supper if I choose!
It's GOOD for the wardrobe - they have good sales in the Pajama department!
It's GOOD for the bladder - nothing like peeing in your own potty!
It's GOOD for the Family - Cause when Momma's Happy - Everybody's Happy!

Thank you God for allowing me to have this opportunity to work at home!


Fred said...

This post gave me several chuckles. At one point I started to sing a little ditty learned from my Daddy ... "You get more like your Daddy every day! In everything you do and what you say. All your ways and your complexion shows a mighty close connection, you get more like your Daddy every day!" Really, I'm glad for you. You sound so happy.

Unknown said...

This is almost as cool as my job. I get to pet other people's animals and go home and play with my kids.

toothsleuth said...

That is so awesome! What mom wouldn't want to do that same thing? We're praying that after I have the baby I'll be able to cut back to 3 days at work. It will definitely take God to work it out, but we all know that's a piece of cake for Him!

Travelin' On said...

I'm smilin'.
Good for you fave!! ENJOY!!