
Chloe's 5th Birthday!

Chloe started her day off by getting a new shirt and a brand new booster seat - something she's been wanting - since she's such a Big girl now. Her daddy thought she was too little - but per the TDOT website, she could've gotten one last year. Hard to let your little girl grow up!

Next, she was off to preschool - Big Cupcake Cake and bags of candy & Valentines in tow. Her friend, Matthias also celebrated his 5th birthday & Chloe promised to bring him a cake. He brought Spiderman cupcakes too. Plus, they celebrated Valentine's Day. You can image the candy, sugar rush their teacher experienced! Chloe also got balloons delivered to preschool - from our church friend, Ms. Stephanie.

Then Ms. Stephanie came to preschool and picked Chloe up for the afternoon. They went shopping, of course, and Chloe got a new purple outfit - including purple boots.

Ms. Stephanie brought Chloe home - as her friends, Kyra & Madison and her neice, Catelynn were supposed to come & spend the night.  Well, due to snow - Kyra & Madison didn't get to come - but Catelynn still came.  So, we ate pizza, chips, cookies, decorated & then ate 2 Big Cupcake Cakes!  (Whew!  two 4 & 5 year olds was enough - can you imagine if we'd decorated 2 more cakes with 2 more 4 year olds?  God doesn't give us more than we can handle!  Thank you Lord!)

Chloe (on left) and her neice, Catelynn make "Big Cupcake Cakes" for Chloe's 5th Birthday!  They had a delightful time decorating the cakes.........
As you can see - cake is not all they decorated!

Mommy & Daddy (aka Nana & Popaw) can tell you BOTH cakes were delicious!

The next day - we went to Memaw & Popaw's house.  Chloe got her birthday presents from them.  Catelynn also got a present & we all got candy to eat. Can't go away from their house hungry!  LOL!

and another sweet, tender moment - Popaw read to the girls.  Both girls quickly found a comfy spot on Popaw's lap.  Awwww... aint' that just grand!?!

and then, on Sunday, Chloe got her Valentine's candy & got to celebrate AGAIN!  There were 10 kids at SmallWorks (children's church at Grace Assembly of God) to help celebrate.  We had cupcakes, ice cream, cheeze puffs, party hats, horns and gift bags for each child. 

Then, we went home & ate roast, carrots, potatoes, green beans, rolls for lunch with "Bubba" Terry & his family.  Now, guess where Chloe is?


Whew!  Mommy is worn out - but so thankful to have such a precious jewel.  Thank you Jesus!


Fred Alton said...

Ruthie!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!! It was such a pleasure to have both the girls for a few minutes that day. They are both so pretty and so sweet. Chloe grabbed my heart from the moment she let out that first fragile cry in the delivery room. Love you bunches!

Unknown said...

I hate that I missed it. I love that baby! I hope she will forgive me. I miss you so much. Love you.

Favorite One said...

She understands Aunt Tee Tah lives way up north - but she sure does love & miss you too! Of course - we ALL do! Love you!