
My Life - The Adventure Begins!

Ever since birth - my life has been an adventure! I think I'll tell you a little about it - from the beginning......

Back in 1965 our family lived in Tellico Plains, TN. My first adventure was when my Mom actually told my Dad to go faster! You see, I was ready to see the world & I wasn't going to wait much longer. I even made Dad miss preaching his first Sunday in our new church building. He got us to Knoxville, TN and I was born. I took time to meet some important family members. But I didn't want to waste time - I had to see the rest of the world! So, at around 3 months old, I took my first airplane ride. We flew away - across a great big ocean to Guyana, South America.

It was pretty cool. My Dad caught fish from the upstairs of our house. It was built on stilts - cause when the rainy season came, the "basement" area would flood. Our house had metal fencing around it. I remember seeing a cow in the gravel road, on the other side of the fence. Back then, a lot of the Guyanese folks worshipped cows - so the cows could go anywhere they wanted to. Also, on another side of the fence was my best friend, Saniota. My sister & I would often climb the fence to go to 'Auntie Devico's' house for tea. We had hot roti with sugar - mmmmm. I also had some pretty cool toys. Family members sent lots of nice things. I had a hot pink dish drain, a tricycle with a bell & sunglasses.

We also had visitors from the states. I remember my Aunt Beth, Uncle Curtis & cousins Ramona & Charles came once with my Mamaw & Papaw. Our cousins couldn't believe we didn't have a TV. When they asked what we did for fun - well we said "we squash frogs!" Charles brought a water gun, but Millie (our Nanny) didn't like being squirted & she put it on top of our refrigerator. Charles did not like that!

Even though we didn't have TV, we had pretty normal lives. Mom made sure we had a birthday cake and a Christmas tree. We also had dogs named Tippy & Tiger. I don't remember much else, but pictures have helped tell the story. In the pictures it was easy to see which one I was. I was the little white girl with blonde hair - among a lot of dark people (they called me Snow White). Even my parents & older sis were dark (not as dark as the Guyanese people, but still dark). About 4 years later, my baby sis was born and she was whiter than me! When my baby sis came, she wanted to see the family, so we came back home to the United States & lived in Lenior City, TN. And, then another adventure began......


Anonymous said...

I think that your blog is good. I know that you will be creative. I read it to MOM. She actually said something about the house. SHE DOES REMEMBER things. I guess she just needs a jump start sometimes.

Love you, your favorite

Travelin' On said...
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Travelin' On said...

Hey, You're a good writer. Don't hide that talent.
I didn't remember that you were that small when you guys went to Guyana.
You have been on the go for a long time, haven't you? :)
I still remember the slideshows of Guyana and I about them memorized back then.
I like hearing about Guyana from your perspective. Neat.
love ya, Auntie

Unknown said...

I don't remember that first adventure, but I am glad you do. You all had it going on until I came and ruined it. I love you & I am sorry that my birth took the family away from what could have been a very, very cool adventure. I have been in a hurry all my life I guess to get back to the hills of East TN. I love you! YOUR favorite sister. :)

Favorite One said...

Tab, you're makin' me sad. I was HAPPY that you came along - ESPECIALLY cause you were white too! I haven't even begun to tell about adventures with you - there are PLENTY of them! You didn't ruin anything - you were & ARE part of God's perfect plan for my life! I love you!

Unknown said...

Well, I haven't stopped being white, thats for sure! :) I didn't mean to make you sad. Just think I must be having a bad thyroid day. Pray for me I have a stress test tomorrow. I will post on my blog how it went.

L A Brannen said...

Hey Favorite Niece,
I didn't know that you were blogging (and by viewing the number of blogs and the dates, I see that you have just begun) and I didn't know that you had such talent in writing. I should have known, because I do remember the "The Brannen News".....is that what it was called? I hope to read much more of your adventures. Keep them coming.

Fred Alton said...

Yes, when you came along you added much to the excitement at our house! I have never forgotten the thrill of driving so fast - and with your Mother's permission, no, with her encouragement! I made it from Tellico Plains to Ft. Sanders Hospital in Knoxville in 45 minutes! You were almost as fast as me cause you entered the world just a few minutes later.

Anonymous said...

Well, I read this blog shortly after you posted and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I've been checking back waiting to see what new stories you have to tell! So this time I'm gonna leave a comment to motivate those typing fingers!!! I love being able to read everyone's blogs on here. I don't feel so far away. I guess I'm going to have to start doing this blog thing too. Maybe you can motivate me and I can motivate you! Love your fave cousin, Jennifer

Fred said...

C'mon, Ruthie! Tell us more!!! Your Fayvrite Dad