
Starting the New Year with SNOW!!!!

Can't believe we got more snow already!  And, again - more than enough to build a snow man! 

Curtis & the Snow Man (wearing a Georgia hat for some reason)

"Bubba" Terry helped "Sissy" Chloe build a BIG snow man
(you can't tell, but Chloe has a GA hat on but TENNESSEE orange pants & top)

Chloe LOVES her BIG Snow Man. 
Someone told Curtis that Chloe found a new hero. 
He said, "That's ok - that 'hero' will melt and leave her - but her daddy never will!"

This snow has finally faded - but we still have a big ball of snow in our front yard - almost 2 weeks later!

Even tho the snow may vanish and leave you, isn't it great to know that God will never leave you, nor forsake you!  Hebrews 13:5

1 comment:

Fred Alton said...

It has been a wonderful snow this winter. I think it's great that Curtis and Terry built such a huge snow man for Chloe (with Chloe's help, of course). Thanks for sharing these pictures here on the blog! And I'm sure Curtis will never ever lose his special place in Chloe's heart.