
May Memories

May 4th - Chelsea turned ELEVEN!  May 7th - Chelsea spent the night with us.  We went to Dairy Queen and did a little shopping at Family Dollar.  I'm so glad she hasn't gotten "too old" to spend the night with Nana, Popaw & Aunt Chloe!  May 9th - Chris Crockett's birthday!

May 8th - MOTHER's DAY!  Got to have Chelsea with me in church - what a blessing!  Chloe and Curtis were with me too, of course!  Did my treasurer job at church, rushed home, marinated steaks, baked potatoes, made desert (fresh strawberries & shortcake), etc, took Chelsea home and THEN went to Frankie & Rick's with all the food (Lydia brought salad & Frankie provided drinks/tableware).  By the time we got there I had rushed, rushed rushed - but then I RELAXED!  It was truly such a nice, relaxing dinner.  That's what Mother's Day is ALL about!  In addition to relaxation - I did get a gift card from Lydia - which I used to get me some tongs with silicone on the end (been wanting those & I love 'em!) and a couple other kitchen gadgets.  Chloe (and Curtis) got me some beautiful flowers & chocolate too!  Can't believe I didn't take pics at Frankie's house - even took camera - but I was seriously having so much fun being relaxed that I didn't even think about it.  It was a treasure to be with my mother and my family (except we missed baby sis & fam) on that day.

May 15th - Frankie's birthday!  May 16th - Aunt Beth's birthday!  And, Uncle Frank & Jan's anniversary  May 19th - reflected on how much I miss and loved my Gepa.  Hard to believe he's been in heaven 12 years now...

May 20th - REMEMBER FIELD DAY?  I used to love it!  This year I was lucky enough to get off work and go to Chloe's field day.....  What FUN! 

Jordan, Blake, CHLOE, Morgan & John

CHLOE with BEST Friend Kendall & really good friend Jaidyn

Sack Race!

Obstacle Course


Fred Alton said...

And what a wonderful time it was on Mother's Day as you girls treated your Mother to the special attention and cooked dinner for her. You are a very busy Mother yourself!

Unknown said...

That sounds like a fun/busy month. Thanks for sharing the pics of Chloe's field day. I don't remember ever liking field day. I wasn't good at anything, so I just dreaded it. Gym class, too. (I know...I am a huge nerd)

I wish I could have been there for mother's day.

I really pray that some day the Lord will allow me to participate in His work a little closer to my family. I really love you and miss you.