
Beginnings of Fall........

Ahhh, the cool crisp mornings - lots of sunshine during the day and the cool evenings - fall has arrived!

Fall began with an Open House and Bake Sale at Chloe's school.  Then we had her school's Fall Festival - complete with face painting, cake walks, "fishing", "duck pond", etc. etc. etc.  Curtis, Chloe and I were joined by Terry, Amie, Colby, Chelsea, Catelynn and Collin.  It was fun for me - hope it was for them too!

Then came the Cleveland Apple Festival.  I just love this festival.  It's a special little city festival that takes up a few blocks downtown around the courthouse.  There's singing, performances, home-made crafts, jellies, apple pies, apple cider, funnel cakes and mmmmmmmmmmmmm lots of good food.  There's also a petting zoo, hay ride and Chloe's favorite - riding horses (which she did several times).  Chloe and I went with this year with Lydia, Julian, Lydia's friend Jacob and my neice Jessica.


Fred Alton said...

Ahhhh, Ruthie! What a nice post - giving us a little insight into the things you like to do. Your children are all adorable. I especially like the picture of Chloe taken through the netting - hugging the younger one. I can't tell whether that's Colin or Julian. Doesn't matter really. The pic is just the cutest!

Favorite One said...

You're right - it's Chloe and her nephew, Julian. :0) They had such fun bouncing around together.